Weapons I have stared list???


Inkling Cadet
Jan 30, 2024

i have no clue how people have the time to 5-star things

some things abt this that i wanna talk about:
  • heavy edit and glooga deco are very close to being 4-star but not quite there yet. i'm actively working towards both of them, heavy edit has basically become my new main
  • i had no clue i was close to wiper deco 4 star until a few days ago where i noticed i was like 2 wins away from it. so i did two games and did very well and got it basically immediately. i used to main it but really didn't think i played it as much as i had
  • annaki nova would genuinely be my first 5-star if that weapon ever gets buffed. i have a weird and very strong attachment to it. it's the one 4-star that i actually use on my splashtag at the moment
  • i've tried to make a point to attempt getting 1-star for every weapon i don't hate playing. haven't gotten around to this for the order weapons yet though (except for order shot, which is weird because i don't even like splattershot? idk why i got that one in particular). the weapons i don't plan on doing this for are either weapons i find utterly boring (the remaining shooters, blasters, mini splatlings, and inkbrush), scoped chargers, and the new dread wringer, which i will not be touching whatsoever unless wavebreaker gets buffed to do 55 damage minimum, ideally 60
  • everything else that's in the 0-star tier are weapons that i've attempted to play but did too poorly to get enough progress. i'd like to get them up to 1-star eventually, but i'm not really actively trying to do so; i usually spend splatfests leveling up weapons since i don't like turf war anyway


Inkling Cadet
Jan 30, 2024
Northeast US
Ehhhh why not.


I have a compulsion to one-star everything but not a whole lot of variety outside of that, lol. Before I discovered tetras, sploosh was my first main, followed by inkbrush, followed by vdapples, hence those all being 4 stars. Some of the 2-star stuff is there because they were used a bunch during meme comps in splatfests and the other 2/3 star stuff is the result of caving to peer pressure to use something other than tetras (but it never sticks lol). I think I actually will start using splatfests to level other weapons though. I think it would be neat to eventually have all the dualies' stickers. I want to 5-star letras someday too but I keep procrastinating learning how to zipcast effectively, heh.


Pro Squid
Feb 3, 2024
Switch Friend Code

The New Squiffer and the Octo Shot are the most likely candidates for new 3-Star weapons, and the Luna Neo and vWiper are the most likely candidates for new 5-star weapons. I’m also waiting to 1-star the Order Roller until later.


Pro Squid
Jan 31, 2024
cali gang
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5 stars ordered by earliest to latest, everything else ordered by most to least played
im a very committed player lol. if i like something enough to 3 star it i like it enough to 4 star it ... i like seeing all the badges lined up. im primarily working on 5 star zfscope bc its the only weapon i feel like playing whenever i boot my game up LMAO but im also working on 4 starring order bucket and learning vpencil. backlog is weapons i plan on putting effort into eventually, im just too busy/unmotivated </3


Full Squid
Jan 30, 2024
Switch Friend Code
Here's some weapons! I'm so mentally stable it's insane. Shoutout 96 for not being on this list !?


The Eternal Dualie Squelchers User
Jan 30, 2024
Chicago, Illinois
Switch Friend Code
I'm noticing a pattern. People either have 5-star badges, or have played everything. I fall into the latter category.
I'll post mine tomorrow if I find the time to.
I already know what I'm good and bad at and I prefer to stick to my niche. Even after playing enough e liter to 3 stars, I can't really get ahold of chargers.


Inkling Fleet Admiral
Jan 30, 2024
Switch Friend Code
I'm noticing a pattern. People either have 5-star badges, or have played everything. I fall into the latter category.
I'll post mine tomorrow if I find the time to.
I guess I'm an exception, then.

I tend to play 1 weapon at a time, and play pretty much only that weapon for that period of time. So I have a lot of 4 stars.
The 3 stars are the weapons that didn't quite last me long enough to get 4 stars but most of them are almost there. Because of this, sometimes I'll go back and spend a day or two on a weapon like that just to get 4 stars on it to officially add it to the collection of weapons I've played.
I don't have very many 2 stars, but they're all weapons that I tried out and then I ended up going back to what I was playing before.
The 1 stars are mostly alternate kits that I didn't end up liking as much, although there are a few exceptions.

Tiers are ordered by freshness (so machine is almost 4 stars, for example)
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Inkling Commander
Jan 31, 2024
my-image (9).png

5 star and 4 star weapons are ordered by how much I use them.
Anything below will have sloshers first since those are the weapons I do occasionally play but there's no order by how much I use them.
I have a lot of 1 and 2 stars since I was testing out almost every weapon when I was getting used to playing Splatoon. There's also some that I used from playing Challenge rotations. I don't really enjoy playing non slosher weapons that much anymore outside of S-Blast 91.
Also N-Zap '85 is at 4 stars because it used to be one of my main weapons really early on, way before Cooler was meta. It stopped being one of my main weapons but I would still use it for Turf and Splatfests but now I've just stopped playing it altogether.


Inkster Jr.
Feb 16, 2024
Switch Friend Code

I think I have a type... dunno what it is, though.

Currently in my Zap arc so that might rise a bit higher on both kits. I might get Douser and Range to 4-Stars, but I kind of need to be in a specific mood to play those, so it might take a while. I was considering also getting 5-Star on Gold Dynamo, but the kit holds me back from playing it as obsessively as I did vDynamo. I'll probably get there eventually, but it'll be a much longer process. Brushes are kinda just comfort picks for me because that's what I played when the game first came out.

5-Starring a weapon is a good motivator to grind X and Anarchy for me, which is probably why my power is garbage this season lol.


Inkling Fleet Admiral
Jan 30, 2024
Switch Friend Code
I guess I'm an exception, then.

I tend to play 1 weapon at a time, and play pretty much only that weapon for that period of time. So I have a lot of 4 stars.
The 3 stars are the weapons that didn't quite last me long enough to get 4 stars but most of them are almost there. Because of this, sometimes I'll go back and spend a day or two on a weapon like that just to get 4 stars on it to officially add it to the collection of weapons I've played.
I don't have very many 2 stars, but they're all weapons that I tried out and then I ended up going back to what I was playing before.
The 1 stars are mostly alternate kits that I didn't end up liking as much, although there are a few exceptions.

Tiers are ordered by freshness (so machine is almost 4 stars, for example)
View attachment 11155
update: S-blast '91 is now my most used weapon according to every method of measuring usage

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