Black Tar. (RP)


Inkster Jr.
Aug 17, 2017
Switch Friend Code
A ranked match of Tower Control seems to have begun and the opposing teams started inking their way to the tower as fast as possible. Although the match started the crowd were already placing bets to see which team would win. The shy Salmonid looked at the big screen of Inkopolis Splatlands and was amazed to see the match. He never played a match of Turfwar or any ranked match before. He had low self esteem to do so because he thought everyone would make fun of him or he would suck at being able to play. The match was intense as each team tried their best to win. The Salmonid was jumping up and down when he saw something cool happen and was making silent, "Yes!" or "Oh no!". When the match ended and his team won he hoped would win, won. He got excited and made a squeal like noise. He decided to work up the courage and go play some Turfwar. He wanted to be like his peers even though he isn't a inkling or octoling. The Salmonid took a deep breath and said, "Let's do this." He walked to the Lobby then stopped and turned back and said, "On second thought I better watch some more." He said going back to his spot to see more teams go against each other.


May 1, 2018
Octo Valley
An Elite Octoling is seen guarding the doors of the Octarian neighborhood closely, making sure a potential threat can't even step inside. He then heard a voice call out to him.

"Shark, I need to discuss some important matters with you." an Octohurler figure with an eyepatch appears behind Shark.

"What is it, General Anemone? I'm kind of busy trying to keep dangerous punks from getting inside." Shark replies.

"There is a recent development that worries me. Well, there is a new enemy that we will have to face." General Anemone explains.

"Another enemy?" Shark asks, a bit annoyed.

"Afraid so, this new enemy isn't a typical one, so heavy research needs to be done in order to combat them." General Anemone answers.

"Well, whatever, previous enemies lost to us. I will make sure this one also loses." Shark promises.

"Don't go finding this enemy until more is known." General Anemone says.

"Well, what is currently known about this enemy at the moment?" Shark asks.

"Well, this new enemy can turn someone into them, just by a wound no less!" General Anemone says.

"Well, I will make sure that I won't turn into them either. If I get wounded by them, I will jump into the nearest water source I can find so I don't turn and betray the neighborhood." Shark says.


Inkster Jr.
Aug 17, 2017
Switch Friend Code
As the ranked match continued Alkali could see something wrong was going on. One of the teams home base ink was turning black. Soon it wasn't just him noticing the black ink consuming the already splatted ground. One of the players got confused on what the ink was and decided to ink the black substance to make it their own, but to no avail. The black ink continued to grow. The players had a bad feeling about this and so they squid jumped away from the spot where the black ink was at. One player, however, didn't jump away in time. A giant tentacle came from the black ink and grabbed his leg before he could escape. Everyone watching the giant tv screen was shocked to see what was happening to the random inkling. The tentacle gripped onto the Inklings leg tight and soon the Inkling began changing his color from what it was to black. Once the inklings full transformation was complete the tentacle let the boy go then disappeared into the black goo. Silence filled the air as the now black ink covered Inkling began walking towards his comrades with a slow groan.

Alkali watched in shock to see how this happened. He looked around to see everyone just as terrified as he was. The screen then changed to see the towns 3 favorite anarchy group, Deep Cut. "S-Sorry about that everyone. It seems something happened during the ranked battle. Just stay calm and we will figure this out!" Frye said with a positive attitude. "Just keep splatting and having fun!"

Shiver on the other hand was shocked as well to see what happened. Frye bumped her to bring her back to her senses. "O-Oh right. Yeah what my partner said." Was all she could say as she tried, but failed to make a cheerful expression. The giant TV turned off and everyone in the Splatlands began to murmur about what happened.

Alkali was unsure what that was about, but he was not going to find out. All he knew that something bad was going to happen. "That black ink was...scary." He thought to himself as he turned and headed back to his home.


May 1, 2018
Octo Valley
Meanwhile, back at the Octarian neighborhood in Inkopolis, Shark checked his phone for any important news, until he saw a headline that said "Black Substance Spotted!"

"This could be important..." he says to himself.

Right at the beginning, he saw a sentence that read "During a Turf War match, an Inkling was infected by a mysterious tentacle coming out of the black ink."

"This could be that new enemy the General told me about, I should report that to him ASAP." Shark thinks to himself as he hurries to General Anemone's office, knocking on the door.

"Come in!" General Anemone says.

"Sir, you've gotta see this!" Shark immediately exclaims as he shows the phone's screen.

"That's a news article." General Anemone points out the obvious.

"I know, but you've gotta read a little bit of it. Look at the image they posted!" Shark says, trying to convince the General.

After General Anemone read a bit, he decided to write down all he could.

"Thank you Shark as always, make sure to keep me updated on all the new information about this new threat." General Anemone says, "Now go home, you've earned your break."

Shark nods then he heads home to spend time with his wife.


Inkster Jr.
Aug 17, 2017
Switch Friend Code
The next day Alkali was heading to Sheldon's shop to buy himself a weapon to play Turfwar with the other kids. He had a small flashback of his brother giving him the money. "Make sure to buy a roller or a inkbrush. You don't have fingers so shooters aren't going to work for you."

Snapping back to reality, Alkali ordered for a Splat Roller. Sheldon looked at him a little nervous and said, "Um...sorry kid, but I don't think your kind can play Turfwar." Hearing this Alkali got sad and took the money back. Before exiting the door Sheldon felt bad for him and said, "Wait! I'll see what I can do. I never had a Salmonid play in a Turfwar before, but it will be interesting to see. Come back in a week and I'll make sure the new weapon is finished." Alkali smiled then nodded at Sheldon. He exited the building to find out what he wanted to do. He looked over at the entrance to the lobby and saw that it was closed off with a couple of grownups guarding it from Inklings and Octolings.

"Come on, man. We want to play some Turfwar!" One boy said. The others agreed with him in protest.

"Sorry kids, but whatever happened yesterday is a cause of concern. Turfwar is off limits until we get things sorted out." One out of the two guards said. "Go about your business."

Alkali sighed as he couldn't even watch any Turfwar matches. He decided to head to the nearest Hagglefish Market since there was nothing he could do. And he could spend the money on a snack. As he was heading there he entered through the Octoling neighborhood. He go there sometimes, but he was never too familiar with the place as much as his brother was. Feeling lost he took out his phone to open a GPS, but before he could he saw a Octoling, a girl, walking repeatedly in a wall and groaning. Her body was partially covered in all black just like the boy in the Turfwar match yesterday. Alkali was unsure what to do, but it looked like she needed help. He moved close to her and said, "Um...a-are you o-okay?" He said reaching for her.


May 1, 2018
Octo Valley
Shark headed out first thing in the morning and took a train to Splatsville in order to find out more about this threat.

"The sooner we get more information on this enemy, the sooner we can launch an attack against it." Shark thinks to himself as he gets off the train.

Once he arrived, he saw an Octoling neighborhood, one that looks similar to the one he's from, but not as closely guarded. He made his way towards it after seeing a Chum approaching a figure that's covered in black.

"What happened to that Octoling?" Shark thinks to himself again. "I don't think Salmonids are capable of doing something like that"

Just to be on the safe side, Shark pulls out his E-liter and waits to see what will happen.


Inkster Jr.
Aug 17, 2017
Switch Friend Code
Alkali reached his fin out to her and before he could touch her, she turned around and said in a groaning tone, "" Her breath was jagged and she reached out both hands to him as if she was trying to grab him. Her black ink covered fingers dripping the ooze from the tips.

Something inside Alkali told him to get away from her as soon as possible. He moved back and said, "Wh-what happened to you?" His heart was pounding quick as if something bad would happen if he let her grab him.

Just then a grown up ran to him and said, "Get away from it!" He aimed his Splattershot at the Octoling. "Forgive me child." He said then began shooting at the Octoling. The girl fell to the ground groaning and didn't move. The man sighed then looked over at Alkali and said, "Did the thing touch you?" He said in a serious tone. Alkali shook his head quickly. "Good. You need to go back home. It's not safe to be outside now." He took out his radio and said, "Control. This is Batter from Echo team. I took one down in a Octoling neighborhood. A girl partially covered in the black ink." He shooed away Alkali wanting him to go away. Alkali moved away from the adult and did as he was told to go back home. As he was moving away he heard the guard scream in pain. Alkali turned to see the Octoling girl biting the man's back. "Get this thing off me! Get it off!" He yelled shooting his Splattershot ink everywhere. Alkali quickly ran behind a nearby wall so he wouldn't get hit.


May 1, 2018
Octo Valley
Being called the "Supersonic Eye", Shark was known for his shots being so speedy that no one can escape. He saw the man yelling for help, so Shark would try to help him, hoping to possibly stop the infection from getting to him.

Right as the infected Octoling girl was uncovered, he let out his E-Liter's charge, splatting her in an instant.

"Better splatted than becoming one of those things." Shark thinks to himself. "It's a shame that I had to do it on an innocent though."
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Inkster Jr.
Aug 17, 2017
Switch Friend Code
Just as Shark shot at the Octoling, the guard fell to the ground shaking in fear. He was breathing really heavily then he looked over at Shark. "Th-Thanks for the help." He said then got up slowly from the ground. He could feel the Octoling's bite on his back, but he didn't want to show that he was in pain. He got back on the radio to inform his platoon that he has been attacked and that there might be more in the city. He quickly ran to the rest of his platoon to regroup and inform about his wound.

Alkali looked over at Shark and was unsure if he was a guard as well. All he knew was that the Octoling girl was not moving at all. He moved over to Shark and said, "Thanks for that mister. I was worried there for a second."


May 1, 2018
Octo Valley
"Just doing my duties." Shark replies to Alkali, "My name's Shark, I actually live in an Octarian neighborhood that's in Inkopolis, one where not only Octolings live, but all sorts of Octarians live there too."

"What's your name?" Shark asks Alkali.


Inkster Jr.
Aug 17, 2017
Switch Friend Code
"My name is Alkali! It's nice to meet you, sir." Alkali said with a smile. His shy side didn't show much since he figured Shark was a good guy. He looked at the splattered female Octoling and noticed a soul didn't leave the body. He pondered on this for a while, but was interrupted by his phone. An Emergency Alert like alarm was making his phone buzz in his pants. Everyone in the Inkopolis area had the alert as well. "CITIZENS OF INKOPOLIS AREA A stay-at-home order is in effect. An infection is spreading rapidly and you are at high risk of spreading it. DO NOT visit stores, family, or friends. Everyone should stay home to prevent any further spreading." Seeing this message Alkali looked up at Shark and said, "Do you know what is going on around here?" He said a scared and worried that something big was going to happen in Inkopolis.


May 1, 2018
Octo Valley
"I shouldn't have left Inkopolis." Shark thinks to himself, then tells Alkali.

"I went here to investigate a potential new threat after seeing it in a news article, it seems like there's a black substance that infects anyone that gets hurt by it." Shark answers Alkali's question.

Before he could think, his communicator had General Anemone's voice sound through, it was a desperate call "Shark, I need you back here ASAP!"

Shark picks up his communicator, "What's going on there?"

"The infected is close to the neighborhood walls, the Tentacle Troop is ready to defend, with Octolings stationed at the back when things get desperate, but I don't know how long they can hold the infected back!" General Anemone replies.

"I'm on it sir, I will try to get back as soon as I can." Shark says as he puts his communicator away.

"I have to go for now." Shark says, "You can come with me for safety if you want."
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Inkster Jr.
Aug 17, 2017
Switch Friend Code
Alkali was thinking of going with him, but he couldn't leave his family behind. "I'm sorry, but I can't. I have to make sure my family is ok." He said then quickly ran off to go back to his home.

The moment both of them leave the area, the black substance that the Octoling girl splattered on the ground began to move. It clumped up together to form a hideous slime like creature that tried to act like a Octoling standing up, but it's arms were where it's legs were at and the head was mounted on it's chest. "" It continued to say then began to slowly move to a random direction. It was going to take more than a ink to destroy these creatures.

The moment Alkali got home he saw his neighborhood in chaos. Houses and cars were on fire and everyone running for their lives from the infected. "What the heck is going on?!" He said aloud. He looked over to see his brother fighting off the infected with his Dualies. "Pug!" Alkali yelled as he ran to his brother.

"Alkali get back! I don't know what is wrong with everyone, but it is not safe here." Pug said shooting some that were nearby. The ink didn't phase the infected as they continued moving towards them. "RUN!" He said as he ran away and Alkali followed.

"Where is mom and dad?" Alkali said.

"I'm not sure. They were fighting off some of these black creatures. Dad told me to run and find you and so I did. We need to go back and help them." Pug said looked around to make sure there were no infected following them.

When they got home Alkali and Pug saw the door was burst opened by force. They entered to see their mom and dad covered in the black ink. "Oh no. I think we are too late." Alkali said shaking and scared.

"Get your things upstairs. We got to get away from here." Pug said then ran upstairs with Alkali. They got their equipment and headed outside the bedroom window. Now on the roof Pug squid jumped down onto the ground and said, "Jump! I'll catch you!" Alkali jumped off and Pug caught him. "Hold on tight." He said then they began running from the house.

"B-But!" Alkali said looking at their house slowly distancing from them.

"I'm not sure what happened to them, but they are not our mom and dad anymore." Pug said in a serious and angry tone. He was angry at the fact that he couldn't save his mom and dad in time, but he had to make sure Alkali was safe no matter what. He continued running to find a safe haven.


May 1, 2018
Octo Valley
Shark returns to the Octarian neighborhood in Inkopolis just in time to see an army of Octarians ranging from Octotroopers to Octocopters to Octosnipers, ready to defend the neighborhood from the incoming infected coming toward them. Shark knew what this meant: It's time for war against the infected. He promptly Super Jumps to a high spot, ready to support the Octarian army just in case any infected gets through. No Octolings in sight yet.

"Tentacle Troop, hold the line, get ready..." General Anemone begins his command, right as the army of infected gets in range of the Octotroopers' line of fire, he says "!"

The entire Octarian army began to shoot at the infected, hoping to protect the neighborhood at all costs, what Shark didn't know is that Octolings inside the wall are ready to fire at the infected if too much of them break through the tentacle Octarian lines.
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Inkster Jr.
Aug 17, 2017
Switch Friend Code
The infected were being shot and torn apart by the hail of ink bullets that were decimating them. They scattered across the ground and it seemed like it was over. A few seconds later all the black substance began to form once more to make hideous creatures that did not resemble like they were before they got shot. Lots of groaning were heard and the infected continued to move forward. Their weaponry was ineffective against the horde of infected and it wasn't going to be long until the neighborhood got overrun. The weather began to change from sunny to rain.


May 1, 2018
Octo Valley
General Anemone shouted "Everyone, get inside your homes, now!"

All of the Octarians including Octolings followed orders and quickly took shelter to be safe from the infected, he went last to make sure everyone made it safely. Shark saw all of this go down and became frustrated at the first battle that General Anemone's army lost in a long time.

"Darn it! These punks will pay for what they have done!" Shark yells out loud, angry at the infected.

He will however, follow General Anemone's order and get home, the payback against the infected will come later.
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Inkster Jr.
Aug 17, 2017
Switch Friend Code
As the infected began to overrun the neighborhood, the rain fell from the sky. The infected stopped what there were doing and began to melt into puddles of black goo. It didn't take long until the black substance began to wash away into the sewers and the neighborhood was safe, for now. Alkali and Pug continued running in the rain to find a safe place to bunker down. An infected under a tree saw them and began to follow them from under it. Alkali saw what was happening to the infected when it came from under the tree. It began to melt in a black puddle and it seemed like it was trying to move away from the rain. It went back under the tree and it soon took shape of a normal body. It didn't take long until both of the brothers saw the Octoling neighborhood that Shark lived in. There were no guards and it seemed like there were no infected either. "Hello! Can anyone help us?" Pug yelled out loud looking around.


May 1, 2018
Octo Valley
Shark watched closely from the windows, where he saw General Anemone leave his office to greet the Salmonid and Inkling.

"Hello, welcome to the Octarian neighborhood! Well, I wish you didn't have to see it so empty." General Anemone tells Alkali and his brother. "We have suffered an attack by the infected. However, they seemed to go away, so yes we can help you."
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Inkster Jr.
Aug 17, 2017
Switch Friend Code
//Just Alkali is the Salmonid. His brother is an Inkling.

Pug got in front of Alkali ready to fight when he saw General Anemone approaching them. When he offered aid, he lowered his guard a bit and said, "Thank you. My neighborhood got attacked and overrun. Our parents got turned into those...things." He said angrily. "Is there a place we can stay?" He asked hoping General Anemone would say yes. Alkali looked around to see if they were really safe from harm here.

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