An Idea on How to Apologize to Teammates


Pro Squid
Feb 3, 2024
Switch Friend Code
What if the devs added a feature where, after a game, if you’re looking a the results of a lost game and you wanna apologize to your team after the fact, you can press a button that would send a message to your previous teammates that says something like, “I’m so sorry omg I’m so sorry pls forgive me aaaaaaa.”

And it could even work if a game was won, they could have it so that the message sent could be a “Thank You!” for if you wanna thank your previous team for carrying


Inkling Commander
Jan 30, 2024
Switch Friend Code
What if the devs added a feature where, after a game, if you’re looking a the results of a lost game and you wanna apologize to your team after the fact, you can press a button that would send a message to your previous teammates that says something like, “I’m so sorry omg I’m so sorry pls forgive me aaaaaaa.”

And it could even work if a game was won, they could have it so that the message sent could be a “Thank You!” for if you wanna thank your previous team for carrying
I feel like people would use these ironically to complain though, we already have people booyahing ironically, I don't really want to see my teammates going "thank you!" when we barely lose a game.
It's a neat idea, but I think you should be able to mute it at least

Though to be fair sometimes I do want to say "sorry!" in solo, like recently I popped cooler after we got a wipeout, threw it in front of the tower, only for it to disappear instantly. Two of my teammates stopped to run around in confusion, it was way too funny, but I lowkey felt bad lmao


Inkling Commander
Jan 31, 2024
Though to be fair sometimes I do want to say "sorry!" in solo, like recently I popped cooler after we got a wipeout, threw it in front of the tower, only for it to disappear instantly. Two of my teammates stopped to run around in confusion, it was way too funny, but I lowkey felt bad lmao
One of my favorite interactions is when someone pops Cooler and then puts it in a bad spot making it immediately disappear, then proceeds to "booyah" and whoever in their team saw what happened booyahs back lol. It's happened to me a couple of times when playing nTri on TC but it can be really funny.


Inkling Commander
Jan 31, 2024
I do think the game needs more options for communication in solo though. We have "This way" and "Booyah" but we still have two other directions on the d pad that the game doesn't use.


Inkling Cadet
Jun 28, 2023
a dunkin donuts parking lot
Switch Friend Code
in addition to concerns about being used ironically i do feel like a sorry button could encourage people to self-deprecate, and i don’t think that’s something nintendo would want - both (hopefully) out of not wanting the players to hate themselves and the fact that i’d think most game decisions are made to make players feel better playing the game, not worse, so they’ll keep playing and recommend the game to their friends. i agree with the sentiment of wishing you could apologize to your teammates though lol. and thank them, but we already do have few-ticks-before-KO booyahs for that, when you process that you’re about to win quick enough at least

definitely agree that extra d-pad communication would be a plus, though i’m not sure what the left and right buttons could be used for. i’ve seen things like “push objective!” suggested, but the thing with the in-game pings we have now is that they’re short - both in terms of syllables and the lengths of the words. “this way!”, “booyah!”, and “ouch…”/“help!” are all 1-2 syllables and don’t take up a lot of screen space to display. “push objective!” has more syllables and takes up more space, and i’m not sure how i’d condense it further.


Splatoon Playing Spinster
Mar 7, 2023
Switch Friend Code
I’ve always wanted a chat feature in the game.


Inkling Commander
Jan 31, 2024
Marooner’s Bay
Switch Friend Code
We need more pings. My best idea is for the left to be Look Out! and the right to be Fall Back!
Why we don't have a warning ping is beyond me. It's the most important ping for a game to have.


Pro Squid
Mar 11, 2024
Inkopolis Square
in addition to concerns about being used ironically i do feel like a sorry button could encourage people to self-deprecate, and i don’t think that’s something nintendo would want - both (hopefully) out of not wanting the players to hate themselves and the fact that i’d think most game decisions are made to make players feel better playing the game, not worse, so they’ll keep playing and recommend the game to their friends. i agree with the sentiment of wishing you could apologize to your teammates though lol. and thank them, but we already do have few-ticks-before-KO booyahs for that, when you process that you’re about to win quick enough at least

definitely agree that extra d-pad communication would be a plus, though i’m not sure what the left and right buttons could be used for. i’ve seen things like “push objective!” suggested, but the thing with the in-game pings we have now is that they’re short - both in terms of syllables and the lengths of the words. “this way!”, “booyah!”, and “ouch…”/“help!” are all 1-2 syllables and don’t take up a lot of screen space to display. “push objective!” has more syllables and takes up more space, and i’m not sure how i’d condense it further.
my idea is that it changes depending on the mode. turf war is "paint!", zones is "paint zone!", tower control is "get tower!", rainmaker is "grab rainmaker!" and clams is "score!"

We need more pings. My best idea is for the left to be Look Out! and the right to be Fall Back!
Why we don't have a warning ping is beyond me. It's the most important ping for a game to have.
also the look out! ping is definitely a good idea and one i'm surprised they haven't added yet


Inkling Cadet
Jan 30, 2024
Northeast US
in addition to concerns about being used ironically i do feel like a sorry button could encourage people to self-deprecate, and i don’t think that’s something nintendo would want - both (hopefully) out of not wanting the players to hate themselves and the fact that i’d think most game decisions are made to make players feel better playing the game, not worse, so they’ll keep playing and recommend the game to their friends.
This is a perspective I haven't thought of before. I also have wished for some way to apologize to my teammates (outside of standing in the corner of the lobby, or flopping around in the trash pile in the locker room, lol), but I guess I can see how that might encourage self-deprecation. And realistically I guess from the other side of things I wouldn't really know how to react to a teammate apologizing anyway. Like I guess I can understand the desire to at least convey that you know you're not pulling your weight and that you're not just playing badly to troll or something.

There is kind of a whole tangled mess of things though when you get into what is essentially communication to try to to prevent people from thinking poorly of you or misinterpreting your intentions. And it's just kind of a losing game and probably not a healthy mental habit to be in/reinforce anyway, because most people are going to interpret things in either good or bad faith depending on the kind of person they are anyway and trying to control that most often just leads to higher worry and anxiety often to little avail.

A mild sidetrack to complain about how much I hate that ironic interpretations of signals are a thing. I remember learning about this when I was playing on voicechat and one of our rando teammates booyah'd just before the end of a losing match. I interpreted this as them saying, "oh well, we did our best, good job anyway!" but they interpreted it as a toxic/sarcastic "great going guys" sort of remark and got upset over it. Like, booyahing at the end of a losing match is the kind of thing I would naively, sincerely do, and now you're telling me I have to worry about people assuming I'm being toxic when I'm trying to be encouraging? Now I have to be careful not to show too much enthusiasm or enthusiasm at the wrong times or else someone else will interpret it poorly?? I don't know. I can only try to remind myself that people are going to interpret things however they want, and I guess if they want to interpret my well-meaning gesture as a personal attack, well, I guess that's on them. They're only getting upset due to their own interpretation and I can't control that. It's still frustrating though. And it's even more frustrating if the fear of possible ironic usage is keeping more positive forms of communication out of the game. 😞 Personally I am just going to keep on interpreting all signals in good faith, both because it's what I would want people would do for me and because it's more fun and better for my mental health to assume the best intentions of everyone anyway.

....Anyway. More signals would be nice. "Charge!" and "Retreat!" or something similar would be short and convey a lot I think. But I'm sure people would find ways of using/interpreting those negatively too grumble grumble grumble


Inkling Cadet
Jun 28, 2023
a dunkin donuts parking lot
Switch Friend Code
in retrospect just because i, the wordful rambler, couldn't think of shorter pings to use the left and right d-pad buttons for doesn't mean nobody can. lol. loving the ideas coming out of this thread, hey nintendo take note

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